Friday, July 17, 2009

Hello Let's Learn Japanese Students!

The main purpose of this blog is to have a record of everything we've learned so far. Basically, each week after a lesson, I'll post a blog entry with info from the lesson. There's always going to be 6 posts every month, 4 Lesson logs, 1 summary/enrichment log, and 1 reading comprehension blog.
The summary/enrichment log is just something for you to do as a study assist, you don't have to do it.
The reading comprehension blog is an entry written totally in Japanese, and uses all the information given in that month. It's basically a blog entry related to things happening to me.
I will ask you to refer back to the log every week when your studying, I'll also have extra info in the entries about what we learned (most likely).I might also put other things up like text files for you to print out, or like links to different sites, and many more things.

So, let's have a totally awesome year, okay?! じゃ、またね!Bye, see ya soon!

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